Maria da Fonte.PNG
Maria da Fonte.PNG


The Maria da Fonte was a women-led rural tax-riot in Portugal that sparked a provincial revolt (in Minho) and a civil war in the north of the country between the then-ruling conservative liberals (Cartistas) and an ad-hoc coalition of progressives and absolutists (Patuleias). A marching tune was composed by Angelo Frondoni (an Italian musician who made career in Portugal), and it became a popular progressive anthem:

Viva a Maria da Fonte
Com as pistolas na mão
Para matar os cabrais
Que são falsos à nação

É avante Portugueses
É avante sem temer
Pela santa Liberdade
Triunfar ou perecer

Viva a Maria da Fonte
A cavalo e sem cair
Com as pistolas à cinta
A tocar a reunir

Lá raiou a liberdade
Que a nação há-de aditar
Glória ao Minho que primeiro
O seu grito fez soar


Long live Maria da Fonte With pistols in her hand To kill the government’s forces (PM was Costa Cabral) Who are traitors Forward Portuguese Forward fearlessly For holy liberty To triumph or perish Long live Maria da Fonte With her strong horse With pistols in her belt Sounding the call to arms There shone the rays of liberty That the nation will follow Glory to the Minho which was the first To make its voice heard
